
质朴的厚重 内隐的劲道:佛山 龙湖御湖境首开区 | UMS里表都会

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The overall positioning of the “GLORY OF THRONES” project is modern Oriental luxury residence. The project draws on local elements in Foshan such as ancestral temples, imperial examination culture, and gardens in the south of Five Ridges, and uses the site as the means to reshape contemporary dignified luxury and cultural mansions, offering exclusive high-end cultural residences to people in Foshan.


The slogan “The best in the world clusters in this realm” is originally derived from the core temperament of the project, which is “distinguished new generation of luxury houses in China”, and refined from four major genes of luxury houses characterized by “select central location, exquisite aesthetics, luxurious materials, and exclusive upper class”, combined with perfect artistic design, as well as most respectful spatial experience and services.


In terms of spatial experience and tonality, we adopt the elegant layout of Oriental ancestral temples and express it through ceremonial entrances, Oriental courtyard layouts, and immersive courtyard experience;


In terms of spiritual and cultural attributes, we refine cultural connotation from the spiritual legacy of top scholar in Foshan and extract the implicit meaning of the Analects of Confucius “A good scholar will make an official”, which means continuous learning and accumulation in work can help you advance step by step in the career as an official;


In terms of rich cultural atmosphere, we leverages Liangyuan Garden as the carrier of Foshan’s top scholar culture, extract elements of scholars reading books and ink artists writing calligraphy, and leisure life to construct an elegant, luxurious, and cozy living scene in the community.

通过三方面的价值传递,取岭南物象,柔和现代与传统,打造“岭南花园间 · 品温润生活”景象。

Through the value expression in these three aspects, we use landscape and elements in South China and balance modernity and tradition to create the scene of “Enjoying Cozy Life in Southern Garden-like Residence”.


The project is located in Chancheng District, Foshan City, in the core section of the city’s central axis, which is the central artery of the city. It is surrounded by government buildings and public institutions, and has river-view resources such as park forest systems and park greenways. The surrounding transportation is convenient and the facilities are complete.


As a new high-end customized product of Longhu, we have selected the city’s millennium central axis that is noble and prestigious and where you can enjoy the profound cultural heritage of the city, and the modern international bustling scenery.


With the title of "Nine Traces of Lingnan, Courtyards Embracing the World", drawing on the local cultural context, transforming elements such as the source of culture, the forest of famous scholars, and the hometown of top scholars in Lingnan culture and the Foshan impression elements into the scene, injecting a progressive space of rising step by step into the site, and creating a ritual journey of circles with Oriental spiritual attributes.


"Nine Traces of Lingnan" takes its five kinds of contemplations, corresponding to fivefold landscapes. The beautiful life scenes of literati, elites, elegance and luxury in the East are integrated into the garden scenes, forming the five courtyard spaces of Reverence - Leaping Fish - Literary Grace – Alkaid - Wonderful Realm in the demonstration area.


The entrance space is inspired by the "Ancestral Temple", the Lingnan art palace in Chancheng. Crossing from ancient times to the present and encountering literary giants. The two steps at the entrance of the Ancestral Temple and the contrast of the virtual and real relationship between the entrance porch and the side ear walls on both sides perfectly fit the temperament of the project of ascending the platform and entering the mansion; Taking the entrance of the Ancestral Temple as the starting point and combining the elements of the book preface, it creates a ritual entrance with a sense of noble etiquette.


The courtyard-style secluded and luxurious door-court etiquette sequence, the three-entry courtyard-style spatial system, creates a high-end, precisely crafted aesthetic interface. The 55-meter luxurious and magnificent homecoming scale shows dignity and prestige, as if telling the inheritance of the respected ritual system for thousands of years; The rigorous and neat composition reflects the respected ritual system.


The entrance is introduced by the gushing spring waterscape on both sides. The landscape waterscape of the horizontal display surface serves as an interlude of the landscape, forming a transition between the park and the external space, and opening the high-end elegant and luxurious ritual sequence chapter through the ritual space of etiquette.


The landscape stone sculpture takes the shape of a mountain, and the water is shaped between the stones, condensing the agility and transparency of the water within it, highlighting its artistic taste and high-end ingenuity.


Whether it is the delicacy of the texture, the meticulous polishing of the corners, or the fine and meticulous decoration, it is all the space telling the story of the high-end, elegant and luxurious spatial scene.


The inner courtyard is set off by a huge hand-forged Foshan map landscape wall, which is like the heart of a city, beating the pulse of history. Behind it, the ancient and the modern, the traditional and the innovative are integrated. Every detail of the landscape wall has been meticulously carved, as if presenting the essence of the entire city before our eyes, outlining its prosperity and inclusiveness.


The ingenious nesting of stone with quarry face and natural landscape stones not only achieves a high degree of unity and harmony in the material of the landscape, but also adds a unique natural beauty to it.By using the delicate and lustrous metals, looming lights, extremely textured luxury stones, and dark-colored granites as the externalization of luxury symbols and exquisite textures, a noble domain feeling is created.


From the design of ascending the platform and entering the mansion to the inner courtyard, all demonstrate respect and inheritance for the ritual system; everything here seems to be telling a historical legend. Every material and every carving are the crystallization of culture and art.


The artistic conception of the space is derived from the layout of traditional architectural mansions, with water flowing into the central courtyard, carrying the Neo-Confucian thought of "the unity of nature and humanity". Every scene is appropriately integrated with natural elements, creating a profound artistic conception of Eastern aesthetics.


Ascending the steps, the sound of the mountain stream waterfall is clear and melodious. The sunlight filters through the gaps between the branches and leaves, casting mottled light and shadow on the landscape wall.


The waterfall flows like shining silver, falling from a height and stirring up thousands of white waves. Under the refraction of the sunlight, the water droplets are as crystal clear as if tens of thousands of shining silver fish are leaping and playing in the mountain stream, tumbling down and falling into the pool bottom. A murmuring brook runs through it. Moss grows among the stone steps. Occasionally, there are a few towering trees with luxuriant branches and leaves, as if they were the guardians of nature.


The use of stone materials endows the overall space with a secluded, elegant and luxurious style. Each stone seems to be a part of nature, living in harmony with the surrounding environment.


With the slate path as the base, carefully selected shaped stones are embedded on the sides. Ascending the steps, each layer of the steps is a symbol leading to inner peace and lofty realm, allowing people to find a spiritual habitat and a poetic living experience in the busy urban life.


Inkstone is the source of inspiration. Each texture and color is like an abstract painting, outlining countless possible stories and thoughts. The ink pool is the embodiment of the charm of writing, containing the rich charm of ink.


Jiefang, the wood that awakens the world, carries people's yearning and pursuit for the integration of nature and humanity. The lush trees and sparse branches and leaves add a touch of tranquility and mystery to the inner courtyard.Multiple elements interweave with each other in the space, and nature and humanity blend. Every landscape seems to be telling the unique story of this land, awakening the deepest perception and resonance in the heart.


The brand's original "Slow Space" creates a private domain for the high-end people with a secluded and luxurious landscape veranda. In the space, various materials are boldly spliced. Solemnity and relaxation, luxury and simplicity are intertwined and collided to interpret the contemporary pure and natural residence.


In the tea break area in the center of the courtyard, the exquisite coffee table, the elegant seats, the naturally secluded and luxurious waterfront platform, the log tea table, etc., constitute a secluded and luxurious scene.


The scattered green islands on the waterfront platform are full of greenery and the sound of water is leisurely, as if integrating with nature.


The extended secluded and elegant landscape veranda stretches in the shady courtyard. The gentle light and shadow dance on the corridor, reflecting the surrounding flowers and trees. Among the woods and beside the water, you can feel the scenery of the four seasons.


At the end of the corridor, the naturally enclosed water courtyard booth is located there. Multiple secluded and luxurious hotel-style vacation experiences such as leisure meeting guests and elegant booths are integrated in one place. It combines the essence of Eastern aesthetics to create a water courtyard living room exclusive to the secluded and noble circle.


The booth-style negotiation and open space creates a natural communication place for free negotiation in the green environment. One can sit quietly in front of the flowers, or have a leisurely rest under the trees with two or three friends. The natural atmosphere amid the lush forest makes people get away from the busyness and impetuousness of the city, creating a peaceful and comfortable living atmosphere.


As a pause space in the landscape roaming streamline, it enriches the entire path experience, like a "pause" in daily life, reminding people to slow down. The slate path winds in, guiding people to the indoor model rooms, drawing a temporary full stop to the tour journey of the entire courtyard landscape space.


Each bend and each section of distance is a kind of spiritual experience and perception. Here is not only a masterpiece of the designer, but also the beginning of a dialogue with nature and an exploration of Oriental aesthetics and modern life aesthetics.



PROJECT NAME/ 项目名称:龙湖佛山御湖境

LOCATION/ 地理位置:佛山

TYPE/ 类型:住宅

CLIENT/ 业主:龙湖

LANDSCAPE DESIGN/ 景观设计:里表都会(北京)规划设计咨询有限公司

BUILD TIME/ 建成时间:2024.06


感谢  UMS里表都会


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