
超越自我(Beyond Our Boundaries)

2017-12-31 何京阳 APAPA俄亥俄

by Jennifer He on August 20, 2017

2017年8月10至12日,全美亚裔青年在世界上最具影响力的城市之一-芝加哥- 召开了以"超越自我"为主题的峰会。他们的目的是什么呢?他们的目的是提升美国亚裔青年的政治意识,并且为他们提供融入主流的资源。

On August 10-12, Asian American youth gathered from across the country to meet in Chicago, Illinois, one of the most influential cities in the country.  What was their purpose?  None other than to raise the political awareness of young Asian Americans and give them the resources to become involved in the country they live in.

由APANO、AAU、HANA CENTER、和NAKASEC四个政治活动组织策划,会议聚集了来自包括APAPA俄亥俄在内的十多个不同团队一百多名亚裔青年。最重要的是,这些青年自己就是是研讨、演讲和活动的组织者。

Planned by APANO, AAU, Hana Center, and NAKASEC, four organizations invested in political work, the summit brought together more than 100 Asian American youth from more than 10 organizations across the country.  Most importantly, though, these youth were the main leaders in workshops, speaking, and activities.

抗议游行(Shut the Trump Up!)

会议的第二天,青年们自愿在川普大楼下集体反对选举川普作为美国总统。几名演讲者以川普选举所提到的移民、种族平等和其他问题作为主题发表了演讲。在我的带领下,每 一个学生都于前一天在画室做了自己的海报。在画室,学生们学习了政治艺术背后的历史,并从中获得了自己制作海报的灵感。

The second day of the summit, all of the youth gathered in front of the Trump Tower to rally against the election of Donald J. Trump as President of the United States.  Several speakers made speeches on the topics of immigration, equal treatment, and other issues specific to his election.  Each student created their own poster the day before in the Arts in Movement workshop led by Jennifer He.  The workshop taught a little bit of the history behind art in politics, then moved on to give tips and ideas to the students in creating their own poster for the rally.

海报令人咂舌,演说鼓动人心。在鼓点声衬托下,演讲和口号显得更加激昂: “Ain’t no power like the power of the youth and the power of the youth don’t stop!” (没有什么力量超过青年的力量,它们是无穷无尽的。)

People driving by were faced with incredible posters (some graphic), moving speeches, and the strong beat of Korean drums which accentuated the sp 44 33487 44 14988 0 0 2694 0 0:00:12 0:00:05 0:00:07 2982eeches and the cheers: “Ain’t no power like the power of the youth and the power of the youth don’t stop!”


The rally wrapped up with a special report card just for Mr. Trump.  The categories were Environmental Science, US History, Writing, World Studies, and Physical Education.  And what were his grades?  Straight F’s, of course!

探索芝加哥(Exploring Chicago)


Beyond the summit itself, Chicago was an amazing place to have fun with newly found friends and explore.  As Asian Americans, of course the first place we visited was Chicago’s Chinatown, the front gate pictured below.  

我们也不可能错过Bean、芝加哥的热狗和比萨饼,我们去的第一天就大快朵颐。或许是不同的心境不同的人,比萨饼和Papa John的味道大不相同。更不要提糖果店了,巨大的糖果店就像一座糖果山,里面琳琅满目,仅仅走上一圈就已满口生香。

We couldn’t miss out on the Bean, either, or Chicago hot dogs and deep dish pizza, which we tried on the very first day.  Maybe it was a combination of the atmosphere and the people, but it really felt different from Papa John’s.  Not to mention, the candy shop we visited was an incarnation of Candyland and just walking in was enough to give all of us cavities.


Navigating the subway was an adventure as well, as sometimes the trains changed directions and the stations could be above or below ground.  But with a little asking around and more than a few mistakes, we managed to arrive at our destinations safely.  

说再见(Saying Goodbye)


The last day, none of us wanted to acknowledge that in a few hours, we would be at other ends of the country.  Although we’d only been together for less than three days, we had made incredible new friends.  Brought together by our heritage and our shared ambitions, it felt as if we had known each other forever.  


Looking out of my airplane window at the Chicago cityscape below, I couldn’t help but look forward to when this summit would be most likely held again next year ...







记2017年 “俄州公民领导力论坛”








食在克村: 城里的餐厅(1)




我的难忘经历 – 参加Beyond Our Boundaries青年峰会

拒绝非法监视,保障亚裔权益 - 谈《FISA修正案》年底前的再授权

食在克村: Chagrin Falls的餐厅


关于APAPA Ohio 公众

APAPA Ohio公众号是APAPA Ohio在OCAA的支持下办的公众号,旨在为俄亥俄的亚裔群体、尤其是华人群体提供一个分享、交流、互助的平台,宣传各个亚裔团体的活动,促进亚裔社区对美国社会、政治、文化、教育、法律等的了解。APAPA的全名是Asian Pacific Islander American Public Affairs Association (美国亚太联盟),是在美国联邦政府注册的501(c)(3)非营利组织,网址:apapa.org。OCAA的全名是Ohio Chinese American Association(俄亥俄华人协会),是由俄亥俄华人成立的非营利组织,网址:OhioCAA.org。

